Hi I’m Matt, a former bicycle fabricator who likes to draw. Most recently deterring cyber criminals as a senior UX designer with the security team at Microsoft.

My design timeline

The young feller

Drawing on every piece of paper I could find. Taking my toys apart to figure them out. Not always being able to put them back together. I attempted to use my drawing skills to influence my parents to buy me the BMX bicycle of my dreams. It didn’t work.

Art School

Learning how to make ideas concrete and then how to share with the world. Plus, I got to study abroad in Italy!

Signal Cycles

After years in the bike business, I stared my own company. Making heirlooms one at a time.

Ziba + Signal Cycles

An immersion in industrial design and an attempt to answer the question: “What is the ultimate city bike?”


Hitting the books and discovering how to put people at the center of the design process.

IBM Design

I arrived at a time when a hundred year old company was embracing design to transform. I found the most exciting studio culture that a recent grad could hope to experience.

Microsoft - Defender Experts

Designing experiences for a managed security service